Freezer Repair in Denver

Freezer Repair
Whether you’re a homeowner, a restaurant owner, or a commercial business owner, keeping your appliances up and running 24/7 can sometimes be a lot easier said than done. In fact, even the most durable of home and commercial appliances, your freezer being one of them, has the potential to break down and require service or repair every once in a while. With that being said, your freezer is a crucial component to keeping your home or business running efficiently, and without it, you can be left with a potential disaster. And unfortunately, your freezer can face a number of common or less common issues, all of which have the potential to stir up problems in your everyday life.
On that note, below, we’re going to take a look at some of the most common issues that your freezers might face, which may or may not require professional assistance.
Freezer Not Working? Check For These Common Freezer Problems
Below, you’ll find a quick list of a few of the most common troubles we see with freezers. If these quick troubleshooting tips don’t help you resolve the problem, don’t hesitate to give us a call for help getting your freezer up and running again.

Water On The Floor?
If you’ve notice water either leaking from your freezer or pooled up on the ground below, there are a few different culprits that could be at play. For starters, a simple, yet very common issue is that the freezer’s door seal has worn out, which allows warm air to get inside, causing excessive frost and condensation. This might seem frustrating, but a worn-out door seal is a relatively simple and inexpensive fix. To check your door seal, simply inspect it to see if it looks cracked, split, or broken in any way.If the seal does, in fact, appear to be worn out, it will need to be removed and replaced with a new one. On the other hand, if the seal still appears intact, and you’re still getting water on the floor, you might have a bit more of a serious problem.

Checking The Thermostat
Yet another common reason that a freezer might leak could be caused by an issue with the unit’s thermostat. Therefore, the next thing to check is that your freezer is, in fact, set at an appropriate temperature. Far too often we get calls from homeowners or business owners only to find out that someone has accidentally reset the thermostat.
So make sure to double-check this, which could save you both time and money. However, if you’re still experiencing a leak, and your temperature is set properly, the thermostat might be faulty, or the problem could be coming from elsewhere in your unit.

Freezer issues Other Common Causes
Although freezers are simple in nature, the mechanics inside your unit are complex, involving pumps and fans, which all help to circulate coolant, as well as the cold air inside the unit itself. When any one of these components fails to function properly, your freezer is liable to breakdown, causing issues like leaks or improper temperatures.
Whether you’re experiencing a leak, or have a unit that simply isn’t cooling properly, your issue could be caused by a faulty internal component, which might require professional assistance to repair. If unable to diagnose or repair your freezer issue yourself, or you suspect a more complex issue to do with a pump or fan, don’t hesitate to give us a call!
We’re always happy to help!
Looking for Professional Repair?
Freezer Repair In Denver, Colorado
As appliances age, service and repairs become increasingly important to ensure proper functionality at all times. Freezers, unfortunately, while they are one of the most durable appliances in your home or commercial establishment, are not exempt from this fate. Broken pumps, fans, dials, or seals can easily lead to problems that nobody wants to have to deal with. These issues all have the potential to disrupt your life, no matter whether your freezer is being used in a home, business, or commercial establishment.
By knowing what to look for when an issue does strike, you’ll save yourself time and money, while also lowering your risk of further damages that happen from a lack of regular maintenance. Finally, if you need any help diagnosing or resolving any problems with your freezer, or any other type of appliance, don’t hesitate to give the pros at Denver Appliance Repair a call.